
Poland’s TVP takes sides in presidential election

Poland’s TVP takes sides in presidential election

Part of IPI’s series, Europe media freedom in the shadow of Covidauthored by IPI correspondents across Europe

IPI correspondent, Annabelle Chapman explores the impact of the recent Polish election and how public broadcaster TVP continues to depart from public service mission amid COVID-19 pandemic


Slovenia’s government targets public media in midst of pandemic

Slovenia’s government targets public media in midst of pandemic

Part of IPI’s series, Europe media freedom in the shadow of Covidauthored by IPI correspondents across Europe

IPI Correspondent,  Aljaž Pengov Bitenc outlines how a new bill in Slovenia paves the way for massive funding cuts that would jeopardize public service mission


With Index gone, the future looks even bleaker for…

With Index gone, the future looks even bleaker for Hungarian media

Part of IPI’s series, Europe media freedom in the shadow of Covid, authored by IPI correspondents across Europe

The COVID-19 pandemic adds to squeeze as Orbán regime continues to target independent press. IPI correspondent in Budapest, Marton Bede analyses the impact of the threats facing Index and what that means for media freedom in Hungary