Search Results for: italy

Journalists and media workers need to be protected when…

MFRR partners share a statement condemning the threats and attacks against journalists and media workers when covering demonstrations and protests in Germany, France, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Poland and Italy. The MFRR calls for increased protection for media freedom across Europe from protestors, unknown 3rd parties and police officers to ensure they are free to continue their work informing the public.


Missions Working with partners, the MFRR will lead a range of fact-finding, fast response and advocacy missions across EU member states and candidate countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these missions will be replaced with virtual missions to ensure we can still hold states and other entities to account during this unprecedented period. The missions will


Support The MFRR offers tangible and frontline support to journalists and media workers in EU member states and candidate countries who are at risk from their work. This will enable the MFRR to react to changing situations and offer all necessary protections against a range of threats. Opportunities offered by the MFRR includes support for


Monitor The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is a Europe-wide mechanism that tracks, monitors and reacts to press and media freedom violations in EU member states and candidate countries. The MFRR project, co-funded by the European Commission, provides legal support, practical support, and public advocacy to protect journalists and media workers and advance press freedom.

Media Freedom Rapid Response

Supporting and protecting journalists and media workers in EU Member States and candidate countries.   Media Freedom Rapid Response MONITORSUPPORTADVOCATE What is the MFRR The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) tracks, monitors and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. This project provides legal and practical support,