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Podcast: Media freedom under renewed threat in Poland

The 6th episode of the Press Freedom Files, produced by IPI, as part of the MFRR, explores the renewed threats to media freedom in Poland, where the Law and Justice party is waging a multipronged attack on independent and critical media  

Media freedom is under renewed threat in Poland, where the Law and Justice party is waging a multi-pronged attack on independent and critical media.

Recent developments are leading to growing concerns that the EU’s fifth most populous state is heading further down the path forged by Hungary and causing fresh headaches in Brussels on how to respond.

In the sixth episode of IPI’s podcast ‘The Press Freedom Files’, IPI Advocacy Officer Jamie Wiseman talks with guests Piotr Stasiński, deputy editor of Poland’s biggest daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, and Anna Woichik, a journalist at the investigative news outlet