MFRR Summit 2023 | Day 2
SLAPPs, Impunity, and Rule of Law
Across Europe we regularly see powerful entities abusing legal systems to stifle and smother critical reporting. Strategic litigation poses a major threat to independent media across the continent, in particular in countries where rule of law is weakest and vulnerable to abuse. Day 2 of the Summit will shine a spotlight on these topics as experts discuss initiatives to counter SLAPPs, impunity for crimes against journalists, and disinformation laws.
Keynote: Fundamental rights and the rule of law in the EU
Taking stock and the way forward
12:30 – 13:00 CET
Day 2 of the MFRR Summit 2023 will open with a keynote address from Andreas Accardo, Head of Institutional Cooperation and Networks Unit, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Picking up on the theme set out by UNESCO concerning the World Press Freedom Day, “Shaping a Future of Rights”, this keynote will offer a perspective on how the EU can remain a role of model for human rights by responding to global developments in a fundamental rights compliant manner. A key element in this regard is the civic space, the role of civil society organisations, human rights defenders and journalists in upholding the rule of law and a fundamental rights culture.
- Andreas Accardo, Head of Institutional Cooperation and Networks Unit, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Taking steps towards ending SLAPPs
13:00 – 13:45 CET
European institutions have already established some standards through recommendations on how to counter Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) while more European legislative and non-legislative initiatives are expected to be finalised in the upcoming months and years. At national level, civil society and other stakeholders have joined forces to push for measures that would discourage SLAPPs and help targets. This panel will bring together representatives from the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) and various Anti-SLAPP national groups to discuss measures being taken at national level to counter SLAPPs.
- Marzena Blaszczyk, Board Member, Citizens Network Watchdog Poland
- Susan Coughtrie, Director, Foreign Policy Centre, co-chair, UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition
- Charlotte Michils, Legal Adviser Flemish/Belgian Association of Journalists & Lecturer Thomas More
- Flutura Kusari, Senior Legal Advisor, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
Media, politics, and vexatious lawsuits
An Italian perspective
13:45 – 14:00 CET
In recent months, Italy has drawn the attention of several international organisations working on media freedom. A cause for concern is the rapid succession of defamation lawsuits and subsequent legal proceedings against Italian journalists and intellectuals brought up by politicians and high-ranking public figures. By exploring the case study of Italian newspaper Domani – which in a matter of months has been respectively threatened to be sued and sued by two high profile public figures – we will discuss defamation, SLAPPs, and the challenges Italian media face when reporting on public figures.
- Francesca De Benedetti, Journalist, Domani
- Dr. Sielke Beata Kelner, Researcher and Advocacy officer, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa
Disinformation laws
Regulating the truth
14:15 – 15:00 CET
In Hungary, Greece, and Turkey governments have passed laws to regulate the basis of factuality under the title of “Disinformation Laws”. This session is going to bring forth the national contexts under which these laws have been drafted and passed, and how they have been implemented so far under different circumstances.
- Dr. Kerem Altıparmak, Legal Consultant, International Commission of Jurists; Co-founder, Freedom of Expression Association
- Tasos Telloglou, Journalist, Ekathimerini
- Blanka Zoldi, Editor-in-chief, Lakmusz
- Tom Gibson, EU Representative and Advocacy Manager, Committee to Protect Journalists
Rule of Law Reports
Protecting media pluralism and independence?
15:15 – 15:35 CET
The short panel will discuss the potential of the Rule of Law (RoL) mechanism by looking at the experience of transnational coalitions employing the RoL report for Europe-wide advocacy work. It will address the following key questions: How can European mechanisms such as the Rule of Law (RoL) report contribute to strengthening the protection of independent journalism across Europe? To what extent does it help foster an open and informed debate in member countries?
- Tom Gibson, EU Representative and Advocacy Manager, Committee to Protect Journalists
Andrea Menapace, Executive Director, Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD)
- Serena Epis, Editor and Researcher, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa
Significance of Public Inquiry process in combating the culture of impunity
15:50 – 16:10 CET
Impunity has an impact much wider than the person or outlet that has been the target of a crime; it also affects the whole media sector as well as leaving their target audience in the dark. The murder cases of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Jan Kuciak, and Giorgos Karaivaz have all left a stain in recent years, as have the declarations of “cold cases” for journalist murders. This session will discuss the cases of impunity in recent years in Europe, its impact on media freedom and people’s right to access information, and the significance of the public inquiry process as part of calls for justice.
- Therese Comodini Cachia, Human Rights Lawyer
Corinne Vella, Head of media relations, The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
- Sarah Clarke, Head of the Europe and Central Asia team, Article 19 Europe
Bolster Your Digital Safety
An Anti-Hacking, Anti-Doxing Workshop
17:00 – 18:30 CET
Learn to better protect yourself from impersonation, hacking, and doxing (the publishing of private info). With your devices in hand, join PEN America and Freedom of the Press Foundation for an interactive workshop where we’ll teach you how to audit your social media accounts, tighten your privacy settings, and track your personal information online so you can maintain the public profile you need to do your job.
Please note that this workshop is a closed event. You must register using the button below, even if you have already registered for the Summit.
- Jeje Mohamed, Senior Manager, Digital Safety and Free Expression at PEN America
- Harlo Holmes, Chief Information Security Officer & Director of Digital Security at Freedom of the Press Foundation