Funding favourable coverage? Big tech’s influence over independent journalism
11 September, 15:00 CEST.
Through philanthropic funding mechanisms such as the Meta Journalism Project and the Google News Initiative, big tech platforms have extended their reach into the world of journalism and news media. Billed as initiatives to strengthen independent journalism at a time when media sustainability is in crisis, recent research shows that they may have instead fostered a climate of reliance on big tech and provided an opportunity for platforms to reap reputational gain through favourable media coverage from grantees.
This webinar will feature a panel of experts discussing the undue influence of big tech companies over independent media through such mechanisms and their possible impact on press freedom and editorial independence.
Mark Dempsey
Senior Advocacy Officer, ARTICLE 19
Marius Dragomir
Founding Director of the Media and Journalism Research Centre
Charis Papaevangelou
Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Information Law of the University of Amsterdam.
Dr. Courtney Radsch
Director of the Center for Journalism and Liberty at the Open Markets Institute