MFRR condemns arson attack on publisher of The Digger…
MFRR condemns arson attack on publisher of The Digger and the intimidation of those selling the crime weekly
The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, European Federation of Journalists and International Press Institute as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), condemns the arson attack against James Cruickshank, the publisher of the Glasgow crime weekly, The Digger and the attempts to intimidate stockists across Glasgow. We call on Police Scotland to bring those behind the attack to justice.
Photo credit: James Cruickshank
In the night between Saturday 31 October and Sunday 1 November, unknown individuals set fire to a car owned by James Cruickshank, the publisher of The Digger as it was parked outside the house he shares with his partner. While the fire spread to his neighbour’s car, no houses were affected and the blaze was soon put out by the fire service. However, as reported by the Press Gazette, this was not an isolated incident. During the same night, individuals visited approximately ‘30 of the 750 shops that stock The Digger in the Glasgow area to try to intimidate them to stop selling it’. According to the article, of those visited, two stopped selling the publication as a result.
It is strongly believed that the two incidents are connected to each other and to The Digger’s reporting on organised crime in Glasgow. We call on Police Scotland to ensure the investigation is swift, thorough and robust and ensures those behind these attacks are brought to justice.