

Georgia: Press freedom partners condemn assault on journalists during…

Georgia: Press freedom partners condemn assault on journalists during demonstrations in Tbilisi

The undersigned press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists organizations strongly condemn what appears to be a targeted, deliberate attack on journalists by state security forces during pro-EU protests triggered by Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze’s announcement that Georgia would halt its EU membership negotiations until the end of 2028. Violence against journalists is unacceptable. Georgian authorities have an obligation to ensure a safe and enabling environment for members of the press. We call on Georgian authorities to immediately cease the ongoing assault on independent and critical media. 

We stand in full support of the brave journalists of Georgia who keep doing their essential work of informing the public despite the increasingly hostile and dangerous environment for the media.


According to Mapping Media Freedom monitoring platform, at least 50 media workers experienced physical attacks, verbal abuse or obstruction as police violently dispersed the pro-EU demonstrations. Most of the injured journalists were employed by independent and government-critical outlets based in Tbilisi. This brutal crackdown on the media in Georgia is not an isolated episode but is part of a disturbing pattern of targeted violence and impunity for crimes against journalists, including those committed during protests earlier this year against the restrictive law on “Transparency of Foreign Influence”. 


Among the injured journalists, Aleksandre Keshelashvili of the independent news outlet was severely beaten and detained while covering the protests. He suffered a broken nose, had his cameras confiscated, and required hospitalization before being released. Later, the police also physically assaulted Ana Mskhaladze of, striking her on the head and allegedly confiscating her phone.


Guram Rogava of Formula TV was brutally assaulted by riot police, as shown in footage from Radio Tavisupleba and Formula TV, which documented the riot police officer striking him. He sustained serious injuries and was hospitalized. Beka Beradze, producer of Radio Tavisupleba, was beaten and detained. Investigative reporter Mariam Gaprindashvili of TV Pirveli suffered a head injury and breathing difficulties after being assaulted, temporarily losing consciousness and requiring 24-hour hospitalization.


Other journalists and camera operators from media outlets including, OC Media, Mtavari Arkhi, JAMNews, and others were also targeted. The list of journalists targeted also includes camera operator Davit Bejanishvili from the Georgian Public Broadcaster, who was injured by special forces. These incidents underscore the increasingly dangerous environment for journalists in Georgia.


Despite repeated appeals to the Special Investigation Service, crimes against journalists remain largely uninvestigated, perpetuating a culture of impunity. Dozens of journalists have faced verbal and physical assaults or detention in recent months.


The international community must demand that the Georgian government ends its crackdown on the press and upholds its commitments to democratic freedoms and freedom of expression. We once again express our full solidarity with the courageous journalists of Georgia.

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI) 
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
  • Index on Censorship 
  • Justice for Journalists Foundation
  • Association of European Journalists 
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
  • PEN International
  • European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.


Press Freedom Mission urges Turkey to immediately withdraw law…

Press Freedom Mission urges Turkey to immediately withdraw law labelling critics as spies

Media freedom groups today called on Turkey’s government to fully withdraw the amendments to the espionage act currently before parliament. The proposed bill would enable judges to increase sentences by up to seven years for any conviction, if the crime is ruled to have been committed against ‘the political interests of the state’ when acting in alignment with or under the direction of, foreign states or organizations.

The bill has been mischaracterized as an effort to increase transparency in foreign funding of civil society organizations, drawing comparisons to Georgia’s foreign agent law passed earlier this summer. However, these comparisons fail to convey the severity of Turkey’s proposed legislation. Georgia’s law imposes administrative burdens and restrictions on NGOs regarding funding transparency, with rules that can be arbitrarily applied to intimidate government critics. Under Georgia’s law, the most severe penalty for non-compliance is the closure of the organization.


In contrast, Turkey’s ‘agents of influence’ bill amends the country’s espionage act to allow individuals deemed to be acting in line with foreign interests to be effectively treated as spies in judicial proceedings. This would become an aggravating element of any conviction and can significantly increase sentences.


On November 14, the government paused the bill’s passage through parliament and invited the opposition to collaborate on finding a compromise text.


The media freedom groups, who were in Ankara to discuss the bill when it was paused, believe the only acceptable compromise would be to replace all references to acting in alignment with or under the direction of foreign states or organizations with “acting on behalf of a foreign intelligence agency.” Anything less may open up the possibility for the law to be used to arbitrarily target government critics. 


The media freedom mission took place from 13- 15 November in Ankara. It was led by the International Press Institute (IPI) and joined by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). The mission met with representatives from the Constitutional Court, the broadcast regulator RTÜK, opposition political parties, journalists, and members of the European diplomatic community. All requests to meet with government officials were either declined or ignored.


In addition to the ‘agents of influence’ bill, the mission also addressed the following pressing issues: the ongoing judicial persecution of critical journalists and the Constitutional Court’s record in protecting freedom of expression; the closure of Açık Radyo by the broadcast regulator RTÜK and its pattern of fining critical broadcasters, and the digital censorship of online journalism.


The mission will issue a report elaborating on all these issues in the coming days.

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI) as part of MFRR
  • Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) as part of MFRR
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.

Press and media enquiries:

Oliver Money-Kyrle, Head of Europe Advocacy and Programmes at IPI, 

Özgür Öğret, Turkey Representative of CPJ,

Gürkan Özturan, Monitoring Officer at ECPMF, 

Erol Önderoğlu, Turkey Representative of RSF,


Depoliticizing Poland’s Media landscape: Assessing the progress of media…

Mission Report

Depoliticizing Poland’s Media landscape: Assessing the progress of media reform in 2024

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today calls for more ambitious media reforms as it published its report ‘Depoliticizing Poland’s Media Landscape: Assessing the Progress of Media Reform in 2024’.

The report is based on the media freedom mission to Poland, 16-17 September, where MFRR members met with a range of government and media stakeholders to discuss the challenges facing media and the challenge of media reform since the 2023 elections. 


Key mission findings include:

  • The media freedom situation in Poland has improved substantially with much greater independence of public media, a drop in vexatious lawsuits, better levels of media pluralism and an end to abuse of state funds to influence media. 
  • While public media has shed its propaganda role, it remains neither fully objective nor reliably depoliticised. The government has much to do to guarantee the future political and financial independence of public media. 
  • The broadcast regulator, KRRiT, remains highly politicized and continues to abuse its powers to issue fines against media.
  • Media pluralism concerns, which were acute in 2023, have eased with the improved independence of the public broadcaster and PKN Orlen’s decision to sell Polska Press.
  • The distribution of state advertising, weaponized by previous governments to deny funds to critical media, is to be reformed to improve the fairness and transparency of the process.   
  • The threat from SLAPP cases has significantly diminished and we welcome the Ministry of Justice’s plans to transpose the EU’s anti-SLAPP Directive and to decriminalize defamation.

Despite progress, MFRR calls on the government to implement urgent and ambitious reforms to ensure the future of the public broadcaster in a non-linear market, strengthen safeguards for its future independence, reform media regulators, and to protect media pluralism, media sustainability and editorial independence.


MFRR urges the government, as it brings legislation into line with the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and the Anti-SLAPP Directive, to go further than the minimum standards in order to be able to fully tackle the risks of media capture and protect media from vexatious lawsuits. 


Poland has the opportunity to become a model of media reform and media freedoms. If successful, it would set an example for other countries seeking to wind back the impact of politically driven media capture, as well as to build strong safeguards against its return. 


The Media Freedom Rapid Response mission partners included the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), the International Press Institute (IPI), ARTICLE 19 Europe, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and Free Press Unlimited (FPU).


Press freedom organisations support Reporters United and EfSyn

Press freedom organisations support Reporters United and EfSyn

The undersigned press freedom groups condemn the ongoing, abusive legal action by Grigoris Dimitriadis against the journalists who exposed Greece’s Predator spyware scandal. Greek institutions must enact strong legal protections for journalists against the growing trend of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, aimed at silencing critical reporting.

Investigative journalists from Reporters United, newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton (EfSyn), and their colleagues – including Nikolas Leontopoulos, Thodoris Chondrogiannos, and Christoforos Kasdaglis, as well as freelance journalist Thanasis Koukakis – find themselves entrenched in an unacceptable legal harassment saga. Repeated Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) have been filed against them by Grigoris Dimitriadis, nephew of the Greek Prime Minister and former Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office.


Following the journalists’ landmark reporting on the “PredatorGate” spyware scandal, Dimitriadis initially filed a defamation lawsuit in 2022. In January 2024, we united in support of the reporters to denounce the legal action as a retaliatory attempt to suppress media coverage on matters of undeniable public interest. Recently, an Athens court dismissed the case, recognizing the value and veracity of the reporting. Now, with a second lawsuit totaling €3.3 million filed on 24 November 2023, Dimitriadis is again aiming to pressure these reporters into silence. 


Our organizations assessed the claims and branded them as SLAPPs, due to Dimitriadis’ apparent aim to intimidate journalists reporting on matters which ultimately led to his resignation, instead of seeking legal redress in good faith. This conclusion was supported by the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE), and by the revelations which followed, further validating the reporting.


The second SLAPP case arose after a report published in early November 2023 as part of the Predator Files investigation, implicated Dimitriadis’s phone in sending spyware-linked messages to multiple individuals, including prominent Greek public figures. The report sheds light on potential illegal surveillance practices linked to Greek intelligence. Reporters United and EfSyn, who made the revelations, should be recognized for their public watchdog role, not financially and psychologically exhausted by legal actions.


We call on the Greek courts to dismiss these lawsuits in acknowledgment of their chilling impact on press freedom. As European States prepare to implement the EU anti-SLAPP Directive, we call upon Greek authorities to swiftly transpose the Directive as well as follow the Council of Europe Recommendation on countering the use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, thereby taking decisive action in defense of press freedom by prioritizing journalist protection. We reiterate our commitment to supporting investigative journalists and standing against SLAPPs in Greece and beyond.

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)
  • South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.


As press freedom deteriorates, Media Freedom partners hold advocacy…

As press freedom deteriorates, Media Freedom partners hold advocacy mission to Slovakia 

Mission to support independent media and urge authorities to respect freedom of expression and media freedom

On November 25–26, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners will conduct a solidarity and fact-finding mission to Slovakia to assess the state of press freedom in the country amid a scaling back of democratic freedoms.


The mission will be led by the International Press Institute (IPI) and joined by ARTICLE 19 Europe, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). 


As the environment for freedom of expression, media pluralism and independent journalism becomes increasingly hostile, the delegation will meet with leading media organizations, press freedom advocates, and political leaders to discuss the key challenges to freedom of expression in the country and explore potential solutions.


The mission will focus on key topics such as media capture, the dissolution of public broadcaster (RTVS), smear campaigns targeting journalists, impunity for crimes against them, and the steps needed to align Slovak legislation with international and European standards. 


As the protection of freedom of expression deteriorates to a critical point, the mission will show solidarity with independent media and urge the authorities in Slovakia to refrain from verbal and legal attacks on the press. Additionally, we remind the Government of its obligation under international law to create an enabling environment where journalists can work freely and without fear of retaliation.


Key areas of concern 

The MFRR partners have consistently expressed deep concern regarding the deterioration of media freedom in Slovakia. The critical challenges include:

  • Attacks on the independence of public service media: In July 2024 the relatively independent public broadcaster, RTVS, was dissolved to be replaced by the new institution, STVR. This included new rules which enabled the government to replace the leadership with their own appointees facilitating the politicization of the STVR.


  • Media capture: The MFRR research shows that Slovakia’s media market is heavily influenced by government and vested interests. There’s clear evidence of an imbalance in the allocation of state advertising funds to media outlets due to a lack of regulation. Additionally, the media landscape remains highly concentrated, with the oligarchic group Penta controlling a significant share of the market. The Slovak government has also pressured private media, including the leading commercial broadcaster, TV Markíza.


  • Legislation and legal measures restricting media freedom and freedom of expression: Since September 2023, the Slovak government has introduced several draft bills that restrict media freedom. These included a draft bill labelling civil society organizations which receive over €5,000 annually in foreign funding as ‘foreign-supported’; the amendment of the media law changing a “right to a correction” and the amendment to the Access to Information Law, allowing officials to charge for “extensive” information requests. 


Prime Minister Robert Fico also recently filed a SLAPP case against Peter Bárdy, editor-in-chief of, and Ringier Slovak Media, the publisher of the book Fico – Obsessed with Power, for using Fico’s photo on the cover. 

  • Safety concerns and impunity for crimes against journalists: The lack of justice for the 2018 assassination of Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová, has intensified concerns over the safety of journalists in Slovakia. Until this day, full justice has not yet been served for either the assassination of Kuciak and Kušnírová or for other crimes against journalists such as their massive surveillance by “Kočner’s squad”, a network of individuals paid to supply information to the businessman.


  • Verbal attacks and smear campaigns against journalists: Journalists in Slovakia continue to face both physical and online attacks. These have rapidly intensified since Prime Minister Fico’s re-election in September 2023. The survey, conducted by the Investigative Centre of Ján Kuciak (ICJK) within the project in 2023, showed Slovak journalists are most frequently targeted with online and verbal attacks. 


In the first six months of 2024, MFRR documented a total of 28 press freedom violations targeting 43 media-related persons or entities. Government and public officials were the most common (67.9%) source of violations documented, of which most were related to verbal attacks like discrediting, intimidation, and harassment. 


Engagement and advocacy

The MFRR delegation will hold a press conference on November  26, 2024, at 2:30 PM in Bratislava, to present its initial observations and recommendations. An additional press release will be produced shortly after, to further detail the mission’s preliminary findings. Following the mission, the coalition will also disseminate the report based on the mission findings and recommendations. 


For further information about the press conference, contact Teona Sekhniashvili at or Ronja Koskinen at

V dôsledku zhoršujúcej sa slobody tlače organizujú partneri pre slobodu médií advokačnú misiu na Slovensko

Misia má za cieľ podporiť nezávislé médiá a naliehať na štátne orgány, aby rešpektovali slobodu prejavu a slobodu médií

V dňoch 25.-26.novembra 2024 partneri projektu ‘Media Freedom Rapid Response’ (MFRR) uskutočnia solidárnu a zisťovaciu misiu na Slovensko s cieľom posúdiť stav slobody tlače a ďalších obmedzovaní slobody prejavu. 


Misiu povedie Medzinárodný tlačový inštitút (IPI) a pridajú sa k nej organizácie ARTICLE 19 Europe, Európska federácia novinárov (EFJ) a Európske centrum pre slobodu tlače a médií (ECPMF).


Keďže prostredie pre slobodu prejavu, pluralitu médií a nezávislú žurnalistiku na Slovensku je čoraz nepriateľskejšie, delegácia sa stretne s poprednými mediálnymi organizáciami, obhajcami slobody tlače a politickými predstaviteľmi, aby prediskutovala kľúčové výzvy pre slobodu prejavu a preskúmala možné riešenia.


Misia sa zameria na témy, ako je napríklad ovládanie médií, zrušenie RTVS, štvavé kampane namierené proti novinárom, beztrestnosť za trestných činov proti novinárom a kroky potrebné na zosúladenie slovenskej legislatívy s medzinárodnými a európskymi normami.


Keďže ochrana slobody prejavu sa zhoršuje na kritickú úroveň, misia prejaví solidaritu s nezávislými médiami a vyzve orgány na Slovensku, aby sa zdržali verbálnych a právnych útokov na ne. Okrem toho pripomenie vláde jej povinnosť vyplývajúcu z medzinárodného práva vytvoriť priaznivé prostredie, v ktorom môžu novinári pracovať slobodne a bez obáv z odvety.


Hlavné problémy v oblasti slobody médií

Partneri MFRR už opakovanie vyjadrili hlboké znepokojenie nad zhoršovaním slobody médií na Slovensku. Za hlavné problémy považujeme:

  • Útoky na nezávislosť verejnoprávnych médií: V júli 2024 bola relatívne nezávislá RTVS zrušená a nahradená novou inštitúciou, STVR. Nový zákon umožnil vláde nahradiť vedenie novej inštitúcia vlastnými nominantmi, čo uľahčilo politizáciu STVR.


  • Ďalšie pokusy o kontrolu médií: Z výskumu MFRR vyplýva, že slovenský mediálny trh je pod silným vplyvom vlády a partikulárnych (komerčných) záujmov. Existujú jasné dôkazy o nerovnováhe v prideľovaní štátnych prostriedkov na reklamu médiám v dôsledku nedostatočnej regulácie v tejto oblasti. Okrem toho mediálne prostredie zostáva vysoko koncentrované, pričom oligarchická skupina Penta kontroluje významný podiel trhu. Slovenská vláda vyvíja tlak aj na súkromné médiá vrátane TV Markíza.


  • Legislatívne a právne opatrenia obmedzujúce slobodu médií a slobodu prejavu: Od septembra 2023 slovenská vláda predložila niekoľko návrhov zákonov, ktoré obmedzujú slobodu médií. Patril medzi ne návrh zákona, ktorý označuje organizácie občianskej spoločnosti, ktoré dostávajú viac ako 5 000 EUR ročne zo zahraničia, ako „podporované zo zahraničia“; novela mediálneho zákona, ktorou sa mení „právo na opravu“ a novela zákona o prístupe k informáciám, ktorá umožňuje štátnym orgánom vyberať poplatky za určité žiadosti o informácie.


Premiér Robert Fico tiež nedávno podal žalobu, tzv. ‘SLAPP’ (strategický súdny spor proti účasti na veciach verejných), proti Petrovi Bárdymu, šéfredaktorovi, a vydavateľstvu Ringier Slovak Media, ktoré vydalo knihu Fico – posadnutý mocou, za použitie Ficovej fotografie na obálke.

  • Obavy o bezpečnosť novinárov a beztrestnosť za trestné činy proti nim: Obavy o bezpečnosť novinárov sú zosilnené v dôsledku absencie spravodlivosti v prípade vraždy Jána Kuciaka a jeho snúbenice Martiny Kušnírovej v roku 2018. Do dnešného dňa nebola vyvodená úplná spravodlivosť ani za tieto vraždy, ani za iné trestné činy proti novinárom, ako napríklad ich masívne sledovanie „Kočnerovým komandom“ – sieťou osôb platených za dodávanie informácií podnikateľovi.


  • Slovné útoky a očierňovacie kampane proti novinárom: Novinári na Slovensku naďalej čelia fyzickým aj online útokom. Tie sa rapídne zintenzívnili od znovuzvolenia premiéra Fica v septembri 2023. Prieskum, ktorý v roku 2023 uskutočnilo Investigatívne centrum Jána Kuciaka (ICJK) v rámci projektu Bezpečná ž, ukázal, že slovenskí novinári sú najčastejším terčom online a verbálnych útokov.


V prvom polroku 2024 MFRR zdokumentovalo celkovo 28 prípadov porušenia slobody tlače, ktorých terčom bolo 43 osôb alebo subjektov súvisiacich s médiami na Slovensku. Najčastejšie – v 67,9 % zdokumentovaných prípadoch – vyšli porušenia zo strany štátnych a verejných činiteľov, pričom vo väčšine išlo o slovné útoky, ako je diskreditácia, zastrašovanie a obťažovanie.


Ako možno kontaktovať delegáciu

Delegácia MFRR usporiada 26. novembra 2024 o 14:30 hod. v Bratislave tlačovú konferenciu, na ktorej predstaví svoje prvé zistenia a odporúčania. 

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.


Ukraine: 1000 days later, journalists continue their fight

Ukraine: 1000 days later, journalists continue their fight
November 19 marks symbolic date since start of Russia’s full-scale invasion

19 November 2024 marks 1000 days since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Marking this grim milestone, MFRR partners remember those journalists who have lost their lives reporting on Russia’s war of aggression. We also express our solidarity with those who continue to risk their lives to bring us critical news and information on this invasion.


At least 13 media workers killed, at least as many held in Russian prisons

Since 24 February 2022, 13 journalists have been killed while reporting on Russia’s full-scale invasion–highlighting the risks and dangers faced by Ukrainian and international journalists covering this war.


Some, such as Arman Soldin, Oksana Baulina, and others, were killed as a result of Russian shelling, indiscriminate or targeted, while others, like Maks Levin and Mantas Kvedaravičius, were likely killed in extrajudicial executions. Dozens of other journalists have been wounded while reporting on the war. Countless editorial offices, TV towers and other media infrastructure have been destroyed.


Victoria Roshchyna, a Ukrainian journalist who set out to report in Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine in July 2023, died in unclear circumstances in Russian custody, with the news of her death having only been made public on October 10, 2024. To date, Russian authorities have refused to investigate the circumstances of her death and have refused to return her body to her family in Ukraine.


The news of Roshchyna’s death serves as a reminder that at least 13 other Ukrainian journalists continue to be held in Russian captivity, with hardly any legal guarantees that their safety is being ensured by Russian authorities. Among Ukraine’s media community, fears mount that as with Roshchyna, their lives are in danger too.


Additional concerns due to Spoofing and DDoS attacks

In addition to physical attacks, Ukrainian journalists and media are facing increasing digital threats with hacking attempts, spoofing, and DDoS attacks intensifying at an alarming rate since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Ukrainian outlets are regularly targeted by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that knock major news websites offline, with disruptions lasting several hours on average. Such disruptions have strong negative consequences for Ukrainian media, who are exposed to losing their readership and thus also commercial revenue.


Perhaps an even more dangerous development is the appearance of so-called Doppelgänger (clone) websites, which the MFRR has demanded a reaction to by European authorities and big tech platforms. These pages, which are disguised to resemble those of news outlets popular in Ukraine, attempt to influence Ukrainian public opinion by propagating ideas serving Russian interests. For example, misinformation is being spread about Ukraine losing the war, that it is lacking ammunition, and that the Ukrainian government is corrupt.


At times, inadequate reactions to press freedom crises stemming from Ukrainian authorities

While not comparable to the devastation created by the Russian military, the war has also become a pretext for Ukrainian authorities to introduce a certain level of censorship on the country’s media.


The most striking example is the continued production of the highly controversial “united news” broadcasts on Ukraine’s main television channels, which have been accused in Ukraine’s media community of producing unduly biased coverage supportive of the Ukrainian government. The “united news” broadcasts were also recently criticised by the European Commission which urged Ukraine to “reassess” the validity of the project.


In addition, several Ukrainian investigative journalists have been subjected to surveillance and intimidation by officials in connection with their work. As an example, investigative journalist Yuriy Nikolov was intimidated in January but no one has been held accountable to date. Similarly, no results have been communicated in the investigations related to the surveillance reported in January of investigative outlet and the attempt in April to serve investigative journalist Yevheny Shulhat with a military summons in retaliation for his work.


Additionally, in October, independent news outlet Ukrainska Pravda (UP) said in a statement that it was experiencing “ongoing and systematic pressure” from President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office. 


Despite mounting challenges, the country’s media sector has shown incredible resilience throughout a war that has now lasted almost three years. MFRR partners express their solidarity with the journalists and independent media in Ukraine. We commit to continue to support them in doing their work, for as long as it takes.

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)
  • ARTICLE 19 Europe

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.


Montenegro: MFRR partners call for the perpetrators of the…

Montenegro: MFRR partners call for the perpetrators of the attack on journalist Ana Raičković to be held accountable amid concerns for the safety of women journalists

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners strongly condemn the verbal and physical attack on Ana Raičković, editor of the daily “Pobjeda”, as well as the attack on her family members. The MFRR partners welcome the swift reaction of the Basic State Prosecutor’s Office (ODT), which identified and detained four suspects on charges of “violent behaviour”.The consortium calls on the authorities to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable without delay, following the Criminal Code, which prescribes higher penalties for attacks on journalists. 

On 11 November, journalist Raičković was in a fast food restaurant in Podgorica when the suspects – businessman Zoran Ćoć Bećirović, his son, and two of his security guards, Mladen Mijatović who also works at the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) and Lubjo Dukić – began to harass her because of her journalistic work and Pobjeda’s critical coverage of Bećirović’s suspicious businesses activities but also his hostility towards the press. 


The derogatory remarks included calling her a “stinking journalist” working for a “drug cartel”, and also insults for being a regular guest on the Montenegrin broadcaster Television E (TVE).  Raičković reported that the businessman Bećirović then spat at her before suggesting that he would record the number plate of her car and find her. Security guard Mijatović allegedly threatened the journalist with physical violence while calling the police. The verbal abuse continued after Raičković’s fiancé and son arrived, before escalating into physical violence outside the restaurant. 


“Mijatović grabbed me by the throat and demanded, ‘Say the boy’s name [referring to the journalist’s son].’ I refused, and he kept insisting, threatening to find him anyway and, if I didn’t cooperate, to kill me,” Raičković recounted to the newspaper Pobjeda. Bećirović then pulled the journalist’s hair and slammed her head against the car door. Her son, who came to her defense, was pinned down and beaten; her fiancé was also assaulted,” added the daily Pobjeda who expressed full support for its editor Raičković. The attack left Raičković and her family members with injuries. The journalist’s car was also vandalized by the attackers.


According to the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM), Bećirović has repeatedly threatened journalists in the past: “We remind that Bećirović has a history of aggression and obvious hostility towards journalists. He even used his own media outlet to conduct a smear campaign against his fellow citizen, journalist Dragana Šćepanović. Also, in 2019, at the “Delta City” shopping center in Podgorica, a member of his security team confronted and threatened journalist Vladimir Otašević. That case ended without an adequate conclusion, meaning no criminal or misdemeanor responsibility was established for the perpetrator. Bećirović has also filed private lawsuits multiple times for alleged defamation against media outlets and journalists reporting on his business dealings,” reacted the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM). 


On 13 November, the ETV portal reported Bećirović was brought to the Basic Court shortly before 9 pm for a hearing before the investigating judge. Bećirović as well as his security guards Dukić and Mijatović were ordered to remain in custody, for up to 30 days. The news portal also recounted that a witness stated Dukić was armed at the time of the attack, which the journalist did not notice. Concerning MUP officer Mijatović, the Minister of the Interior announced he would initiate disciplinary proceedings against him. 


The violent aggression of Raičković, in a public environment, notwithstanding the presence of witnesses, raises alarming concerns for the safety of journalists. In fact, since January 2024, the MFRR has observed a particularly hostile environment for women journalists in Montenegro. Of the five attacks documented by the MFRR platform since January, all journalists targeted were women. The MFRR will keep monitoring Raičković’s situation and all threats to media workers in Montenegro, targeted for their work of public interest.

Signed by:

  • The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • International Press Institute (IPI)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.

Spanish Flag SLAPPS Library

Government decree threatens independence of Spanish public service broadcaster

Government decree threatens independence of Spanish public service broadcaster

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium expresses concern over Spain’s recent decree lowering the majority required to appoint RTVE board members, risking increased political control. We urge the Parliament of Spain to protect RTVE’s independence and ensure a transparent selection.

On 22 October 2024, the Spanish government enacted a decree law that reduces the parliamentary majority requirement for renew the appointment of board members of RTVE, the national public service broadcasters (namely TVE or Televisión Española, and RNE or Radio Nacional de España), from a two-thirds majority to a simple absolute majority. 


This amendment to Law 17/2006 on Public Broadcasting also expands the number of RTVE board members from 10 to 15 (of which 11 would be chosen by Parliament, 4 by the Senate) and strengthens powers granted to the board’s president. 


We recall that the State’s obligation to promote media freedom and pluralism, including through the media, does not permit it to interfere with broadcasters’ freedom of expression, including publicly-funded media. An important implication of these guarantees is that bodies which exercise regulatory or other powers over broadcasters must be independent. This principle has been explicitly endorsed in a number of international and regional instruments, including the new European Media Freedom Act which requires the EU member states to ensure the independent functioning of public service media.


We urge the Spanish government to prioritize media independence by adhering to transparent, merit-based board appointments. To limit political influence on Spain’s public service broadcaster, we call on the Parliament of Spain to reject the decree law as it is, and preserve the two-thirds majority requirement. Our consortium will keep advocating for measures that guarantee RTVE’s autonomy, and respect international media freedom standards.

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • ARTICLE 19
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFRR and SafeJournalists urgently call for…

Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFRR and SafeJournalists urgently call for stronger protection for journalist Nataša Miljanović Zubac 

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners together with the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) firmly call for thorough and swift investigations into numerous threats against Nataša Miljanović Zubac, journalist for the Radio Television of Republika Srpska (RTRS). Since the arson attack on her car in 2022, Zubac has been targeted by at least seven criminal acts, all unpunished. The MFRR partners and SJN also urge the Republika Srpska Ministry of Interior and the Trebinje District Prosecutor’s Office for increased police protection to prevent further threats to the life of the journalist. The safety measures that have been granted to Zubac, including surveillance of the journalist’s movements and Trebinje police patrols are a first step, but still not enough to protect her life given the persistent threats.

Since she returned to the newsroom, after 22 months of sick leave followingher car fire in June 2022, Zubac continues to fear for her life with her movements restricted and work seriously impacted.


Among the death threats in her private home: in November 2022 infrared rays were directed at the wall of her living room and later at her body, while on 26 March 2023, a doll with its head cut off and covered in red was found outside her door. In October 2023, “Dead mouths don’t talk” was written on the same door. Despite investigations, none of the cases resulted in indictments. 

The threats continued on 19 September 2024, when the journalist discovered the message “Die NMZ” (her initials) on her son’s home, in the village of Ljubomir, near Trebinje. The incident is treated as a criminal offence under Article 150 of the Criminal Code of Republika Srpska, which relates to “Endangering Safety”.


“For two and a half years, I have been targeted by criminals. Despite eight requests for physical protection, as well as appeals from journalists’ associations, the Ministry of Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, neither the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Srpska nor any other security institution has provided me with needed protection. I live like a prisoner in my own country. This is not a life worthy of a human being,” Zubac told the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).


“Impunity in cases of burning cars and safety threats to Nataša Miljanović Zubac gives room for their repetition, which is why not only the perpetrators bear direct responsibility, but also the Trebinja police and the prosecutor’s office, who for two years cannot or do not want to complete the investigation and create legal grounds for punishing the perpetrators, and enable female journalists to work safely and with dignity,” pointed out the BH Journalists’ Association (BHN), and the Journalists’ Helpline (FMHL).


In addition to the death threats, the journalist was repeatedly verbally abused and intimidated. She also told MFRR that she had recently reported a physical attack to the Trebinje police on 28 October.


A few days after the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the MFRR, and the SafeJournalists Network reiterate that independent investigation and prosecution of attacks is essential to deter the perpetrators and end the dangerous culture of impunity, as evidenced by the numerous threats on the journalist’s life that have gone unpunished. 


Furthermore, the undersigned organisations call for increasedphysical protection that would allow Zubac to continue her work in complete safety  and to prevent further escalation of violence as a result of investigations of public interest.

Signed by:


  • The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)

SafeJournalists Network 

  • Association of Journalists of Kosovo
  • Association of Journalists of Macedonia
  • BH Journalists Association
  • Croatian Journalists’ Association
  • Independent Journalists Association of Serbia
  • Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.

Bulgaria Library

Press freedom organizations condemn attacks on journalists during Bulgaria’s…

Press freedom organizations condemn attacks on journalists during Bulgaria’s parliamentary elections 

The undersigned press freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organizations strongly condemn the four cases of violence and intimidation against Bulgarian journalists covering the parliamentary elections held on October 27. We demand a thorough and impartial investigation into each incident so that those responsible for the attacks are held accountable, and urge the authorities to ensure a safe environment for journalists. Additionally, we call on all parties to take disciplinary action against any of their members involved in endangering the safety of journalists and media workers.

The MFRR documented four cases of attacks on journalists and camera operators on election day. These incidents included threats and intimidation, obstruction of journalistic activity, and physical violence resulting in injuries.


Among the incidents was an attack on bTV, one of Bulgaria’s largest TV channels, while it covered events at a polling station. Camera operator Petar Kartulev was repeatedly hit by two men, sustaining minor injuries. The perpetrators, who were later detained by the police, were identified as registered supporters of the DPS-New Beginning coalition.


Other cases included the intimidation and barring of Free Europe reporter Damiana Veleva from a polling station, threats and insults directed at BNR correspondent Zdravka Maslyankova, and threats made against journalist Diyana Zhelyazkova by the mayor Ismail Ibryam of Nikola Kozlevo.


It is deeply concerning that members of the press face threats not only from party supporters but also from individuals in positions of authority. We once again urge the authorities in Bulgaria to fulfill their obligation to safeguard the rights and freedoms of all journalists and media workers, and uphold press freedom. 

Signed by:

  • International Press Institute (IPI) 
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Ukraine.