

MFRR in Focus Podcast: How do women journalists report…

MFRR in Focus Podcast: How do women journalists report on crisis situations?

New episode of ‘MFRR in Focus’ podcast series studies the important work of women journalists during times of political turmoil and war.

What is it like to report as a woman journalist in 2022? And in particular, what is it like to report on crises, like the Russian war against Ukraine? 

Women journalists face many challenges in their work, such as harassment, intimidation and threats – both offline and online – and they are arguably targeted more often than their male colleagues. In times of crisis, different treatments between men and women journalists can lead to real-life aggravated risks, for example because women journalists have less access to special safety equipment. 

In this episode of MFRR in Focus on the topic of women in journalism, host Anne ter Rele discusses how being a woman affects one’s journalistic practice. She speaks with Kiran Nazish, the founding director of the Coalition For Women in Journalism, a global support and advocacy organization for women journalists, and Sitara Thalia Ambrosio, a German photojournalist on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

This podcast episode was produced by IPI as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.

IPI as part of MFRR

EU: Amidst war in Ukraine, EU must provide emergency…

EU: Amidst war in Ukraine, EU must provide emergency visas for Russian & Belarusian journalists fleeing repression

The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today call on the Member States of the European Union to set a global example of support for media freedom in crisis by extending emergency shelter and visa waivers to Russian journalists fleeing the country, as well as Belarusian journalists seeking refuge from war and repression.

Independent journalists and media in Russia are currently experiencing the most severe and wide-ranging crackdown in the last thirty years. Leading broadcasters have been silenced or shuttered; dozens of news websites have been blocked; use of the word “invasion” or “war” have been banned; and a new law criminalizing what authorities deem to be “fake” news or information about the armed forces could see journalists jailed for up to 15 years.

More than 150 Russian journalists have since fled the country fearing for their safety and their liberty. With the crackdown showing no signs of abating, more are likely to follow. So far, most journalists have travelled to neighbouring countries with visa-free entry for Russian citizens: Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Some have been arbitrarily turned away, transferred on and, in the case of Dozhd TV’s Mikhail Fishman, detained. Those that do get in are faced with working in exile in states with repressive environments for independent media.

Action is urgently needed to ensure Russia’s independent media is not destroyed altogether. Our organisations call on all EU Member States to provide safe havens for dissident Russian journalists to re-establish their bases of operations and continue reporting. Exemptions must be made by EU states to provide emergency visas to journalists and their families. In addition to financial support to Ukrainian media, EU governments should provide funding to help Russian newsrooms relocate to safety.

Visa exemptions should also be extended to independent Belarusian journalists, who over the past year and a half have undergone a similarly repressive crackdown under President Alexander Lukashenko. Mass arrests and the threat of criminal prosecution led to an exodus of Belarusian journalists, including into neighbouring Ukraine. While Ukrainian journalists fleeing the war currently enjoy visa waivers, their Belarusian colleagues are trapped and are unable to seek safety within the EU’s borders.

The European Union has already shown remarkable unity in its response to the bloody invasion of Ukraine. Though much more needs to be done, the support from Member States to help relocate Ukrainian journalists fleeing the bloodshed has been commendable. A similar show of European unity in helping independent Russian and Belarusian journalists is now needed. If allowed to relocate inside the democratic legal framework of the European Union and rebuild their newsrooms in exile, these independent media may stand a chance of survival.

Signed by:

  • ARTICLE 19
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
  • International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • OBC Transeuropa

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.


MFRR Summit 2022 | Boosting Press Freedom

MFRR Summit 2022 | Boosting Press Freedom

Under the title of “Boosting Press Freedom”, this year’s summit will take place from 22 – 24 March. The Summit panels will all be streamed online on the MFRR YouTube channelTwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn. Be sure to subscribe to the channels to stay up to date!

Specialised workshops for journalists, media professionals, journalist association representatives, and journalism students will take place on Zoom. Registration for the workshops and the full conference programme will be available closer to the conference date so keep an eye on the MFRR website and subscribe to the MFRR in Focus newsletter for the latest updates.

Reflecting the title of “Boosting Press Freedom”, this year’s event will embrace the holistic approach MFRR takes to supporting media freedom, with sessions focusing on reporting from protests, online harassment, SLAPPs and other legal challenges, freedom of information, state capture, media pluralism, and much more! As well as the panels and workshops, each day will feature a keynote from leading stakeholders within the EU media freedom landscape.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Summit! More details about registration and participation will be shared across our channels, including this newsletter, in the coming weeks so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, we encourage you to save the date!

Summit programme

Safety of journalists

Legal threats

Pluralist media for a democratic society


MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 3 | Pluralist Media…

MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 3

Pluralist media for a democratic society


Keynote address

13:00 – 13:45 CET

The final day of the summit will open with a keynote from Veronika Munk, Editor-in-Chief of Telex, who will talk about leading a successful independent media outlet in the most captured environment in Europe and how that is impacting the election campaign and prospects of free and fair elections


  • Veronika Munk, Editor In Chief and Head of Content Development at Telex

Competing Models of Media Capture in Europe

Media capture in Czech Republic and Bulgaria and prospects for reform following changes in government

14:00 – 14:45 CET

During this session, we will hear from contributors to two reports from the International Press Institute (IPI) on media capture in Czech Republic, and Bulgaria and prospects for reform following changes in government.


  • Oliver Money-Kyrle, Head of Europe Advocacy and Programmes at International Press Institute (Chair)
  • Michal Klima, advisor to the Government on media freedom (Czech Republic)
  • Boryana Dzhambazova, freelance journalist (Bulgaria)
  • Marius Dragomir, Director of the Center for Media, Data and Society at the Central European University (Hungary)


Supporting local media

15:30 – 16:15 CET

Local news media play a critical role in informing citizens and enabling democratic participation, especially concerning particular topics of local interest. Local and regional outlets however are facing tremendous challenges, including declining audiences and increasing financial pressure, while not being immune from the problems facing the media more generally, such as increasing hostility against their journalists. What is at stake when local reporting is lost and how can we turn the tide on this trend?


  • Lucie Sykorova, Executive Board, ECPMF (Chair)
  • Francesca Rita, Researcher at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT)
  • Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
  • Anja Pasquay, Spokeswoman of German Association of Newspaper and Digital Publishers (BDZV)
  • Julia Hildebrand, Project lead of beabee at CORRECTIV

Case study

  • Hannah Suppa, Chief editor of Leipziger Volkszeitung

Spotlight interview

With Olga Tokariuk

16:30 – 16:45 CET

For the final spotlight interview of the 2022 MFRR Summit, Olga Tokariuk, independent Ukrainian journalist and disinformation researcher, spoke to Camille Petit, Communications and Project Officer at the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) about her experience as a journalist during Russia’s war in Ukraine.


  • Camille Petit, Communications and Project Officer, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)


  • Olga Tokariuk, independent Ukrainian journalist and researcher


Discover the new #MapMF Alert Explorer 

17:00 – 18:00 CET

Online abuse, physical attacks, and defamation lawsuits are just some of the threats faced every day by journalists and media professionals across Europe. The workshop will teach you how to search and report press freedom violations so they can be tracked, and support can be offered. Mapping Media Freedom is an innovative platform which uses Artificial Intelligence to monitor attacks and threats to media professionals in Europe as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR). The programme is led by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom with several partners and funded by the European Commission. This workshop will offer an introduction to the public platform and the monitoring system and will also include a practical section for participants to learn how to upload alerts and search for information. It will be led by Antje Schlaf and Neus Vidal, in charge of the monitoring system at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom.


  • Antje Schlaf, Mapping Media Freedom Consultant, ECPMF
  • Neus Vidal, Monitoring Officer, ECPMF

MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 2 | Legal Threats

MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 2

Legal threats


Keynote address

13:00 – 13:45 CET

Day 2 of the Summit will open with an introductory video message from Věra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency. This will be followed by a keynote from Matthew Caruana Galizia, investigative journalist and director of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation. 


  • Marie Frenay, Member of Cabinet of Věra Jourová, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency
  • Matthew Caruana Galizia, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and software engineer and Director of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation

Push back against SLAPPs

Advancing protection against legal abuse

14:00 – 14:45 CET

Across Europe, powerful and thin-skinned elites use Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) to threaten journalists and outlets into silence and stifle public debate and democratic participation by abusing the law. Recognition of the need to tackle this threat at the domestic level and as a regional phenomenon is growing, however. In addition to hearing from journalists who face SLAPPs, this panel will discuss the latest legislative and policy developments at the European Union and Council of Europe levels.

For the introductory case study, we will hear from a spokesperson for Luhze, a Leipzig students’ newspaper. They faced vexatious legal action from a real estate company, who accused the student outlet of spreading false claims in relation to their reporting about the company’s business model.


  • Sarah Clarke, Head of Europe and Central Asia at ARTICLE 19 (Chair)
  • Flutura Kusari, Senior Legal Adviser at ECPMF
  • Miquel Roig and Angel Villarino, Deputy Editor and Deputy Director at El Confidencial
  • Giulia Lucchese, Secretary of the Expert Committee on SLAPPs, Council of Europe

Case study

Access requested

Challenges to freedom of information

15:30 – 16:15 CET

How can journalists force governments to disclose information? Freedom of Information Acts are usually described as the main legal tool to request data held by public authorities. However, public bodies do not always answer these requests and many petitions are challenged before the Courts. The panel will offer an overview of the most common difficulties faced by journalists when using these pieces of legislation, and will also focus on the main steps that could be taken to ensure that information is published when requested.

Alexander Fanta, journalist at, will speak about his demand for transparency surrounding text messages between EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla regarding the deal to buy 1.8 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine. The panel will also include other recent cases in which journalists have resorted to Freedom of Information Acts to demand information about public interest topics such as minutes of judicial meetings and algorithms used in decision-making processes.


  • Neus Vidal, Monitoring Officer at the European Centre for Press Freedom (Chair)
  • Helen Darbishire, Executive Director at AccessInfo Europe (UK)
  • Miguel Ángel Gavilanes, Journalist at Civio (Spain)
  • Besar Likmeta, Editor-in-chief at (BIRN, Albania)

Case study

  • Alexander Fanta, Netzpolitik (Belgium)

Spotlight interview

With Vladimir Motorin

16:30 – 16:50 CET

In the second spotlight interview of the 2022 MFRR Summit, Vladimir Motorin, Editor-in-Chief of the TV Rain website, will discuss the ongoing oppression of independent journalism in Russia and his experience with Dozhd, also known as TV Rain, an independent Russian television channel.


  • Lutz Kinkel, Managing Director at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)


  • Vladimir Motorin, Editor-in-Chief of the TV Rain website

Navigating practical support

Workshop: Discover PRESSProtect and the MFRR support package

17:00 – 18:00 CET

Join our workshop to discover PRESSProtect, our new website that gathers different support offers from organisations all over the world for journalists and media workers in distress! Learn how to navigate the platform, dedicated to connecting journalists in Europe with supporting organisations.

PRESSProtect also gives an insight into the direct support the MFRR can provide. Get the opportunity to talk with the people behind our legal, practical and relocation support, to give us your feedback and to ask your questions.


  • Guusje Somer, FPU (Chair)
  • Tabea Caspary, Legal Assistant, ECPMF
  • Tomas A. Chang Pico, Senior Programme Officer, FPU
  • Alina Toropova, Journalists-in-Residence Programme Manager, ECPMF
  • Katrin Schatz, Project Manager Practical Support, ECPMF

MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 1 | Safety of…

MFRR Summit 2022 | Day 1

Safety of journalists


Opening message and keynote address

13:00 – 13:45 CET

The MFRR Summit 2022 will open with an intro message from Laurens Hueting, Senior Advocacy Officer at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). This will be followed by a keynote address by Roberto Saviano.

Saviano is an Italian journalist, writer and screenwriter who uses literature and investigative reporting to tell the story of organised crime. He has been living under police protection since 2006.


  • Roberto Saviano, writer, author of Gomorrah and ZeroZeroZero (Italy)


Journalists’ safety at protests

14:00 – 14:45 CET

Demonstrations remain flashpoints for media freedom violations across the region, as reporters continue to be faced with physical violence and verbal harassment from protesters and the police alike. The central question in this session is: how do we move towards a Europe where the realisation of the right to protest and the safety of journalists go hand-in-hand?

After an introductory case study on Emma Audrey’s experience we will hear from the panel, chaired by Renate Schroeder with Monique Hofmann, Tony Rigopoulos and Peter Smets who will discuss their perspectives.


  • Renate Schroeder, Director of the European Federation of Journalists (Chair)
  • Monique Hofmann, Managing Director of the German Journalists Union (dju) in ver.di (Germany)
  • Tony Rigopoulos, Editor-in-Chief of Kouti Pandoras and journalist with Documento (Greece)
  • Peter Smets, President of the European Federation of Police Unions EU.pol (Belgium)

Case study:

  • Emma Audrey, Radio Bip

A web of abuse

Threats to journalists’ safety online

15:30 – 16:15 CET

The digital space is one of the most common places where journalists are subjected to attacks and harassment in connection to their work. And while the threats and attacks take place in a digital setting, the implications of such actions affect the physical lives and mental health of the targeted journalists.

Following an introductory case study from an affected journalist, the session will continue with a panel discussion chaired by MFRR Coordinator Gürkan Özturan, with Guilherme Canela De Souza Godoi, who will present the ICFJ-UNESCO Global Study on Online Violence Against Women Journalists and Flora Schulte Nordholt, who will talk about the work of the Coalition Against Online Violence.


  • Gürkan Özturan, MFRR Coordinator at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (Chair)
  • Guilherme Canela De Souza Godoi, Chief of Section – Freedom of Expression and Journalists Safety at UNESCO 
  • Flora Schulte Nordholt, Policy and Advocacy Officer at Free Press Unlimited
  • Sitara Thalia Ambrosio, photojournalist and visual storyteller

Case study:

  • Burcu Karakaş, Journalist at Deutsche Welle

Spotlight interview

With Sevgil Musaieva

16:30 – 16:50 CET

In the first spotlight interview of the MFRR Summit 2022, MFRR Coordinator Gürkan Özturan spoke to Sevgil Musaieva, a Ukrainian journalist and the Editor-in-Chief of Ukrayinska Pravda, about the specific challenges of practicing journalism during times of war.


  • Gürkan Özturan, MFRR Coordinator at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom


  • Sevgil Musaieva, Ukrainian journalist and Editor-in-Chief of Ukrayinska Pravda.

Online Harassment: Building Resilience

Workshop: Threat modelling and tools for digital defence

17:00 – 18:00 CET

Many journalists experience online abuse because of their work, from harassing comments on social media to direct threats and coordinated smear campaigns designed to silence freedom of speech. It takes its toll: Many who are affected by this feel insecurity, stress and depression, and it may in the long run lead to self-censorship. This introductory session will provide journalists with a global view of how online harassment plays out globally as well as providing journalists with practical tips to better protect themselves. Participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout the session.

Ela Stapley is a former journalist turned digital security adviser and founder of Siskin Labs. She works with journalists around the world to help them be better protected against digital threats.


  • Ela Palmer Stapley, Digital Safety Consultant

Serbia: SLAPPs used to intimidate journalists and evade public…

Serbia: SLAPPs used to intimidate journalists and evade public scrutiny

Powerful individuals in Serbia are abusing the law by filing lawsuits without merit against journalists, media outlets and activists. They are doing this to prevent journalists from investigating them or exposing corruption and abuses of power.

Known as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation or SLAPPs, politicians and business people are using these malicious lawsuits to harass and force their critics into time-consuming and costly legal proceedings. As a result, they are silencing journalists and evading public scrutiny.

In the latest report by ARTICLE 19, the American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Human Rights, and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS), we analyse the provisions that are most commonly misused to file SLAPPs in Serbia. We highlight patterns from multiple cases brought against journalists and activists by public officials and other powerful individuals in the past 10 years. We also assesses whether and to what extent Serbian laws and judicial practices on the ‘protection of reputation’ comply with international standards on freedom of expression. Finally, we provide recommendations to the Government of Serbia and the Judiciary to align key legislation with international freedom of expression standards.

The recent wave of lawsuits against the investigative portal Network for Investigation of Crime and Corruption (KRIK) in Serbia, shows that SLAPPs are becoming an all too common tool for the rich and powerful to stifle critical voices in the country. In light of the upcoming parliamentary elections in April it is crucial that politicians acknowledge the dire consequences of legal harassment against journalists and denounce any form of pressure on independent media.

Key findings

Serbian legislation provides limited means to protect freedom of expression

Our report finds that Serbian legislation provides some specific safeguards that protect the right to freedom of expression in reputation cases against the media. In particular, the Media Law requires that a plaintiff provides evidence to support their claim and sets a shorter statute of limitation (as compared to civil law cases) to initiate a case.

Narrow definition of journalism

Serbian courts follow a very narrow definition of journalism. As a result, only journalists and media outlets who are listed in the Media Registry receive broader protection guaranteed in the Media Law.

Vague terminology in defamation provisions 

Certain provisions of the Serbian legislation protect notions of ‘honour’, ‘authenticity’, or ‘piousness’. These terms are ambiguous, lack any clear context, and are open to interpretation (and therefore to abuse).

There are challenges to implementing legislation in courts  

Although Serbian legislation includes a number of defences that can be used in defamation cases, courts often fail to consider these in practice. In their decision-making, courts often prioritise plaintiffs’ claims about mental anguish even if the actual harm to their reputation is unsubstantiated. In addition, judges often fail to apply broad protection for the right to freedom of expression approved in international standards.

Imbalance of power 

Journalists and activists in Serbia are ill-equipped to defend themselves in SLAPP cases. They do not have access to free legal aid. In addition, the Serbian legal framework lacks safeguards to prevent or discourage SLAPP lawsuits, such as early dismissals or procedural expediency. On the other hand, politicians and business people who bring these baseless cases typically have significant amounts of time and money to bring these false lawsuits, and abuse the justice system.

What can be done?

Collectively, we urge the Government of Serbia to undertake all necessary measures to eliminate SLAPPs, which should include:

– A thorough review of the provisions on defamation in the Media Law and the Law on Contracts and Torts to align them with international freedom of expression standards

– Eliminating a vague legal terminology that could be abused to start SLAPP suits

– Imposing a fixed ceiling on the amount of money that may be awarded for cases that claim ‘harm to reputation’

– Recognition of the functional1 rather than theoretical definition of journalism

– Improving the judiciary’s application of international and regional standards on freedom of expression

– Following the rule that public ​​individuals (eg. political leaders) must show wider tolerance to criticism as they are accountable to the public.

This report was written by ARTICLE 19, the American Bar Association (ABA) Center for Human Rights, and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS). It is part of a series of reports on SLAPPs against journalists in Europe that ARTICLE 19 is publishing as a member of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR).  These reports outline the implications of SLAPPs for media and democracy.

In December 2021, ARTICLE 19 published a report on SLAPPs in Spain. Key findings and recommendations from each of the country reports will inform a comprehensive regional report on SLAPPs in Europe, forthcoming in March 2022. 

You can read more about ARTICLE 19’s work on SLAPPs here

Article19 as part of MFRR
Güngör Arslan, murdered journalist in Turkey Library

Turkey: MFRR calls for swift and thorough investigation into…

Turkey: MFRR calls for swift and thorough investigation into murder of Güngör Arslan

The partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) strongly condemn the murder of Güngör Arslan, the owner and managing editor of the local Ses Kocaeli newspaper in Turkey.

On Saturday 19 February, Arslan was attacked in front of his office and shot in the chest and leg. He was taken to hospital, where he died of his injuries. In a written statement, the Governor’s office announced that a 21-year-old suspect had been taken into custody. According to news reports, the suspect claimed he killed Arslan because he did not like his writing.

The MFRR welcomes the speedy arrest by the police and calls for a swift and thorough investigation and prosecution of the gunman and those who may have assisted or ordered the murder. This must shed light on the reasons for the attack, including any possible links with his journalistic work, and ensure all those responsible are held to account in court. In a broadcast made before the attack, Arslan had stated that he had previously suffered attacks for “trying to do his job as a journalist”.

Endemic impunity for murder of journalists in Turkey

In this regard, we reiterate our longstanding concerns about the endemic impunity for murders of journalists in Turkey: there has been no or incomplete justice for Uğur Mumcu, assassinated outside his home in Ankara in 1993; Metin Göktepe, tortured and murdered in police custody in Istanbul in 1996; Hrant Dink, assassinated in Istanbul in 2007; Naji Jerf, gunned down in Gaziantep in 2015; Rohat Aktaş, found dead in Cizre in 2016; or Jamal Khashoggi, murdered in a Saudi consulate in 2018.

In his last article published before his death, Arslan criticised Mayor Tahir Büyükakın of the Kocaeli Metropolitan area in relation to the allocation of a housing construction tender to the company of a close friend of Büyükakın. In 2021, Arslan spent 188 days in pre-trial detention on allegations of blackmail. He was released at his first hearing at the Kocaeli 12th Criminal Court of First Instance. After the attempted coup of 2016, he was detained as a FETÖ suspect. He was acquitted at trial, but his newspaper and property were seized.

Signed by:

  • ARTICLE 19
  • European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
  • European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
  • International Press Institute (IPI)
  • OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.


Slovakia: Remembering Ján Kuciak: On fourth anniversary of murder,…

Slovakia: Remembering Ján Kuciak: On fourth anniversary of murder, IPI renews call for justice

Retrial of suspected masterminds must exhaustively consider all evidence. Today marks four years since the brutal murder of Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová in their home. The IPI global network today remembers Ján and Martina, and stands with their families, friends, and colleagues in the ongoing fight for justice. The retrial of the suspected masterminds, which begins later this month, must exhaustively consider all evidence in the case.

On February 21, 2018, Slovak investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, archeologist Martina Kušnírová, were brutally murdered in their home. As a journalist working for the online news site, Kuciak had uncovered allegations of tax fraud and financial crime implicating prominent business and political leaders in Slovakia. The double murder sparked the largest protests in Slovakia since the Velvet Revolution, and led to the resignations of Prime Minister Róbert Fico, Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák, Culture Minister Marek Maďarič, and Chief of Police Tibor Gašpar.

Four years after Kuciak’s murder, the trial of the alleged masterminds is still ongoing. The fight for justice remains open. Prosecutors have alleged that controversial businessman Marian Kočner ordered Kuciak’s killing in response to Kuciak’s coverage of Kočner’s political and financial dealings, and asked a trusted associate, Alena Zsuzsová, to arrange it. Kočner and Zsusová were acquitted by a criminal court in 2020 after a months-long trial.

Last year, however, the Slovak Supreme Court overturned the acquittal decision, ordering a retrial. The retrial will begin on February 28, 2022, with judges expected to take into account evidence that was excluded from the first round of proceedings. IPI has closely monitored the trial, including attending several hearings in-person.

“The IPI global network today remembers Ján and Martina, whose lives were viciously cut short”, IPI Deputy Director Scott Griffen said. “We will not forget them, and, together with the courageous media community in Slovakia, we will not stop fighting for justice. This case remains open until every single person who played a role in these murders is behind bars. As the retrial begins, the Specialized Criminal Court now has a clear task: it must exhaustively consider all evidence and the full circumstances of this case. The deficiencies identified by the Supreme Court must be addressed and the logic of the original ruling scrutinized.”

High hopes

“Today we remember Ján Kuciak and  Martina Kušnírová and we await the retrial on February 28”, Editor-in-Chief Peter Bárdy told IPI. “We have good hopes that justice will be brought to them. The Slovak Supreme Court, which overturned the acquittal of Kočner, said a lot of mistakes were made by the first court. This new case will include a lot of new evidence. I am looking towards the future, with fair and justified results. That is what I am expecting.”

Despite nationwide protests after Kuciak’s killing, Slovakia is still struggling with fair and independent journalism, Bárdy told IPI. “After the murder in 2018, and after all the protests that followed, people believed that we would start a new period. A more democratic period, a fairer period. As journalists too, we hoped to have a better position. That the politicians would accept that we are a pillar of democracy, that we’re not enemies of the politicians, or enemies of the state. But after this time, we see that that journey is not easy.”

Dangerous hostility

After Kuciak’s death, several politicians have continued to verbally attack journalists, such as former Prime Minister Igo Matovič, who last year wrote on his Facebook page that “the journalists with Kuciak’s quality are to be counted on two hands in Slovakia – the rest is often superficial, often biased”. “During Matovic’ leadership, we wrote many articles about his government”, Bardy said. “He took those as personal attacks and started to fire back at the media by insulting us. This is very dangerous, as it creates a hostile climate against journalists.”

Some of the worst attacks, however, have come from former Prime Minister Fico, who made headlines for calling journalists “dirty, anti-Slovak prostitutes” while still in office. Just last month, Fico referred to journalists at leading independent media outlets Denník N, Sme, and Aktuality as an “organized crime group, and said law enforcement should start investigating how these journalists damage the statehood and to what extent they attack the state bodies of the Slovak Republic”.

On February 28, Bardy himself will not attend Kočner’s retrial, due to limited space in the courtroom. “There is only space for one journalist per outlet, unfortunately. But one of our journalists will be there the whole time to cover the case. We will watch it closely and really hope justice will be brought to Ján, Martina and their families.”

This statement by IPI is part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.

IPI as part of MFRR

Croatia: Journalist convicted of damaging judge’s reputation

Croatia: Journalist convicted of damaging judge’s reputation

On 2 February, the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) has voiced dismay after the Rijeka Municipal Court sentenced Novi list journalist Dražen Ciglenečki to a fine of 30 days’ income for statements made on former Zagreb County Court President and now High Criminal Court Judge Ivan Turudić in one of his columns. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined its Croatian affiliate in condemning the continuous pressure on journalists and media freedom in the country through the use of criminal and civil laws.

The case dates back to 2014 when the journalist Dražen Ciglenečki published in the daily Novi list a column entitled “Turudić Does More Damage Than Šešelj”, in reference to Vojislav Šešelj, the ultranationalist leader in Serbia who was charged with war crimes. Ciglenečki argued that instead of passing parliamentary declarations against Šešelj, Members of Parliament would be better off taking positions against Judge Turudić.

At that time, judge Turudić filed a civil case for breach of honour against the journalist and his publisher. The Rijeka Municipal Court sentenced in March 2016 and May 2018 Ciglenečki and his editor to pay 20.000 euros in damages.

Last week, Dražen Ciglenečki was found guilty in a criminal case of damaging the reputation and honour of Ivan Turudić. The court ruled that the column “exceeds the limit of permissible value judgments and criticisms”. Judge Vera Marincel emphasized the journalists’ responsibilities when presenting the information. “Freedom of expression is not absolute, there are certain limits, and in this case, according to the court, they have been exceeded,” she said.

In his defense, Ciglenečki stated his intention was not to damage Turudić’s reputation but to express his opinion about a high-profile public figure. According to CJA’s board, the journalist’s column did not, in any way, compared the character and work of Ivan Turudić with Vojislav Šešelj.

If the verdict became final, the Croatian journalist would no longer be able to appeal and would be obliged to pay the costs of the criminal proceedings for a lump sum of 1.000 kunas. In addition, he would have to cover the costs and expenses of Turudić and his lawyer.

In a press release, CJA warned that any other mention of Vojislav Šešelj could also be punished: “We call on the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Academy and the Ministry of Culture and MEDIA to initiate not only the necessary changes in the law to alter this unsustainable practice, but also to educate judges on freedom of speech and media-specific issues,” said Hrvoje Zovko, CJA President, reminding of the nearly thousand abusive lawsuits filed by politicians, businessmen, and judges against journalists and media outlets currently pending in Croatia.

According to the data from the Croatian Ministry of Justice and data from the annual CJA surveys, lawsuits are in most cases filed to intimidate journalists and the media in order to give up serious investigative stories. This is evident from the amounts of claims, by which prosecutors exert financial and psychological pressure on the media or journalists personally.

“What is particularly worrying is the fact that the plaintiffs are often high-ranking state officials and even judges. It is particularly problematic that plaintiffs can sue for the same text in criminal and civil proceedings – that is, they can seek both – damages and criminal liability. That is why CJA advocates for the decriminalization of all crimes against honour and reputation. We believe that civil law provides enough space for all those who consider themselves to be injured to obtain adequate satisfaction,” added CJA.

This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.

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