
As part of this work, the MFRR coordinates fact-finding, advocacy and fast-response missions to source first hand documentation and information to support our work; engage with national governments, European institutions and other bodies; host public and expert events; and coordinate public campaigns to secure greater awareness and public engagement to stand in solidarity with journalists and media workers across the continent.


Working with partners from the media freedom field, the MFRR leads a range of fact-finding, fast response and advocacy missions across EU member states, candidate countries and Ukraine. The missions enable the MFRR to capture first hand information about a range of threats to press and media freedom, establish partners and contacts across the continent and engage directly with policy makers. Missions are documented in meetings and reports that are shared publicly and form the basis of future advocacy, as well as legal and practical support. During the COVID-19 pandemic, where possible these missions were replaced with virtual responses to ensure we can still hold states and other entities to account during this unprecedented period.

Statements and Open Letters

A key part of our advocacy is building networks of support and solidarity and communicating directly with national and European policy-makers calling for press and media freedom to be protected everywhere. To do this we produce and share open letters and statements that are shared publicly and with policy makers. 

These are all available online and can form the basis of further independent advocacy


As part of MFRR’s advocacy work, we host a range of events, both online and in person to raise public awareness and facilitate open debate across Europe. These may include public debates or keynote lectures, workshops, discussions or expert talks led by journalists, academics, advocates and policy-makers on a range of important issues connected with the protection of journalists and media workers in EU Member States and Candidate Countries.

For all MFRR events please click here