MFRR joins call for EU to prioritize rule of law
The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium joined other media freedom and civil society organisations on Wednesday in calling on the European Commission to strengthen its fifth annual rule of law report, which assesses media freedom in European Union member states.
With Europe due to vote from June 6 to 9, the 39 groups also called on the new European Commission to prioritize implementation of their recommendations.
“The multiple attacks on press freedom in the European Union highlighted in the latest MFRR report and in the annual report of the Council of Europe Platform must encourage European political decision-makers to put more pressure on national governments,” insists EFJ President Maja Sever. “The alarm signals are multiplying: the refusal of the French government majority to consolidate the independence of editorial offices from media owners, threats to public broadcasting in Italy and Slovakia, the multiplication of slapps without any reaction from governments, and so on. What are governments waiting for to react to these threats to democracy?”
Our main recommendations to the European Commission are:
- Strengthen the rule of law as a key priority in the next Commission programme
- A strong mandate for the new Commissioner for Justice
- Better self-assessment of the rule of law effectiveness
- Continue the annual rule of law reports and make them more contextual and detailed
- Address continuing concerns about civic space
- Take firm and systematic action against the non-implementation of court decisions
- Protect freedom of expression and information and media freedom
- Improve the visibility and awareness of the rule of law report
This statement was coordinated by the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and candidate countries.